I was working on cleaning and had the t.v. on and baby got back came on the show and I think I gave Cameron Diaz a run for her money. I have always loved the scene in Charlie's Angels where she is Dancing around the house.
Doing a little cleaning while stuck at home during snow and doing some research on Zumba and how I can take classes. Going to try a Youtube video that is 10minutes long this afternoon while kids are napping upstairs. I plan on playing it 3 times! I have a way to hook my ipad to the TV and play youtube! So excited! Looks like so much fun. Going to look into local classes. T
Trying to get myself going on eating more in the morning and less at night. I had a bowl of Oatmeal cooked for Breakfast with a packet of Splenda and 5 dried Cherries. I feel great but am worried that I might not make my goal weight loss for this week. I am discouraged about the weight but so encouraged that I can feel my legs becoming more cut and my energy levels increasing. I have cut out all regular types of cokes and am only on Diet drinks right now but thinking about cutting them out all together because I do feel like I am retaining water.
I am very excited about this weeks goals! Here they are!
Sunday 1-9-11-Sunday 1-15-11
-Move my supplements to be next to sink in Kitchen to better remember to take them as well as set an update on my iphone to take them as reminder
-Look up zumba and yoga stretches and try some this week
-drink 3 bottles of water a day
-log all calories and workout on Myfitnesspal.com and be under 1,300 calories each day
-work out four times this week for 60 minutes (cardio)
-Try new Stretches this week and do at least 3 days of stretching
-Look up breakfast recipes and try eating more in morning and less at night
-Plan breakfast ahead of time and eat daily
-lose at least 1 pound by Sunday and be at 254
So excited! Keep on Trucking you guys!
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