Sunday, January 16, 2011

Week in Review

The week was a good one. I went ahead and weighed in on my old weigh in day and lost 3 pounds but I went ahead and weighed in today since this will be my new weigh in day and I still am down 3 pounds. I am currently at 252. I ended up changing the days I worked out due to changes in my schedule. I had to take Friday night off which in a 4 day workout schedule back to back was rather nice to have a break in the middle. I think that that my body needs 2 days on, one off, and 2 days on. I am thinking my one off will become the day I do some weight training.
Last night's workout I started with the elliptical trainer for 35 minutes then moved to the treadmill where I was able to work harder than in times past. I did 30 minutes at 3.0 to 3.4 and averaged 3.2. My legs when I first started felt like 3.0 was almost running. Now I can walk nicely at 3.0 which is nice. I am looking forward to being able to add incline and running soon to my workouts.
The Second day is always much harder than the first day for me. I hope this changes soon. The first day is always such a rush! The workouts are going nicely and the food choices are seem to be coming pretty easy. The morning breakfast thing not so easy. I have been eating breakfast but it still makes me queasy. I hope this changes soon too!
Is it normal for your body to need more rest when working out like this? I can not function on as little sleep as I was before I started working out but the alertness I feel from the workouts is great! Will let you know my new goals for this week later! I have a meeting with my coach this afternoon! Off to get ready for my 4th workout of the week! Thanks for your support guys! Oh and feel free to post! I love hearing from anyone!

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